Pricing + Services


Financial planning services starting at $125/hour.


Education/college funding

$125/hour — We can help you assess your options when planning for college expenses. We will help you submit your FAFSA application and help you explore other avenues for additional financial aid.

Estate planning

Variable hourly rate — With the recent changes in tax law, are you properly positioned to maximize what you leave to your beneficiaries after you're gone? We can help ensure that you are.

Retirement planning

Variable hourly rate — We can help you plan for retirement. After working for so many years, check with us to make sure your financial resources allow you to enjoy your well-earned retirement years.

Portfolio and asset management

Variable hourly rate — Is your investment portfolio appropriate for your level of risk tolerance? Have you considered the impact of inflation on your assets and income?  We can ensure that you understand the risks inherent to your portfolio, and design a plan to mitigate those risks.

Tax planning - 

Personal: $175/hour — Do you know what impact the recent tax law changes will have on you? Do you need to make adjustments to your withholding? We can help you maximize your tax savings and avoid unpleasant surprises at tax time.

Business: $250/hour — Significant changes in the tax code necessitate a thorough review of your business plan and entity structure. What might have been the best structure 2 years ago might not be now. We can help you determine the best structure based on your business needs.

Cash flow expense planning

Personal: $125/hour — We can help you implement a budget and provide regular feedback regarding actual performance.

Business: $175/hour — Whether you need help at the executive level as an outsourced CFO or just need help with routine bookkeeping, we can help you. In addition, we offer significant discounts for monthly, recurring duties, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Insurance and risk management

Personal: $125/hour — Drawing on our extensive experience in risk management and auditing, we can help you determine your risk exposure and help you find solutions to mitigate that risk.

Business: $175/hour — Let us help you protect what you have built. Call us for risk assessment and management.

Debt reduction and management

$125/hour, payment plans available — Make sure you know ALL the costs when considering debt reduction plans. Many people fall victim to a large, unexpected tax bill after they settle debt. We will make sure you're not surprised at tax time.

Charitable giving

$125/hour —We can research non-profit businesses and charities for you. Prior to giving, make sure your hard-earned and heartfelt donations are going to legitimate charities that use your donation in the manner you expect.